Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stay at Home Sunday, Oct 31

Uh oh!

This just so happens to be Halloween Sunday! I Have a love hate relationship with Halloween… especially when it falls on a Sunday.

My whole life, I’ve loved dressing up, and looking at other’s costumes. And I still do, which is why October is my favourite month! (Especially since I was born on the first day of it!)

But I’ve never liked what Halloween stood for. All the ghouls and Goblins, ghosts and monsters.. And not to mention who’s boss over all those things… *shivers* Not cool…

So I won’t say I’ve never been Trick - or - treating, or that I didn’t enjoy it. What I didn’t like was showing up at a church’s "Not so Halloween" party, and being the only one in a costume! (Embarrassing!)

So what about you? Do you have any Anti- Satan "Halloween" traditions? Or do you ignore it all together? (Not a bad thing.. I know a lot of people who do, and now looking back, I don’t blame you!)

But hey! All that discount candy afterward is great! (Just kidding)

Back to homemaking, have you done anything this week that made you feel accomplished in that realm?
Tell me about it!
Love and huggs

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A yummy Pizza Recipe from Natasha

So I decided that today I'm going to post a recipe! I made pizza tonight! Yeah, in case your wondering why the cheese isn't melted yet, I haven't stuck it in the oven! But I knew that if I stuck them in the oven, and tried to take pictures later, it would not happen. By the time I got around to taking the pictures, it would be eaten and disposed of! So here are the pictures, and a recipe for the pizza dough!

Tomatoe Sauce And Canned Green Chile

3 Cups of lukewarm water
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Yeast
1 1/2 Tabelspoons of coarse salt
6 1/2 cups of flour
Place UNCOOKED dough in a greased bowl, and let rise for 1 hour.
Roll out into pizza shape and place on greased pizza/sheet pans (whatever you have really is fine)
Bake at 400 Deg. 6-12 min. or until cooked.
Add toppings, and COOK for 10-12 minutes or until cheese is metled and bubbly.
Topping Ideas From The Atkersons
Canned green chile
Chicken (baked or fried)
Cream Cheese (yes, I know it sounds disgusting, but its awesome!)
Green Chile (stew/soup kind as a base with cheese)
Base Sauce Ideas
Green Chile (stew/soup kind)
BBQ Sauce
Cream Cheese
Tomatoe sauce

Cream cheese with green chile and Basil.

BBQ Chicken with BBQ sauce

Written by:

Natasha is a 16 year old Christian, Homeschooled Pk! Her passion is for modesty and encouraging young ladies to dress in modest, feminine apparel. She enjoys many things and has been deemed "book worm" you can visit her at her blog: be sure to leave a comment and follow if you like what you see!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Update on Author's Wherabouts....

ehem... so it seems I have missed Stay at home Sunday this week....

Bad me... I meant to have a whole bunch saved back ready to go... aaand I didn't....

So today I will!! Along with a new project, "Wordless Wednesday inspiration" A link up where you either participate on your blog or post links to other's blogs (with their permission) or upload pictures, Whatever, the possibilities are endless, but with one draw- back. No words. So if you post music it must be instrumental! So post photos, music, videos, whatever, just don't say anything! let it speak for itself. ;D

But my status right now, is that I don't have Internet at home. I have it on my phone but that limits my online mobility... Sometimes I can't comment on your lovely blogs! and I certainly can't post (Sad day) And yeah... I tried the mobile posting, but that limits me to 160 characters and no pictures... *Sniffle*

but I try to get things post-dated while I'm here and get it done.

But say! Look at how we've grown in just two weeks!

Last week we had an average of one new follower every day, and though we slowed down this week we still received some new members! To all of you a great big welcome from me! If you haven't introduced yourself please do so! There's information on that in the sidebar.

So here I go to get some posts ready, thank you for all of you who sent me lovely articles to post Those will be up today and viewable within the week.

Thank you all so much for joining in!

Love and Huggs!


ps... what happens when you are in a hurry? You look like a dimwit for spelling "Here" instead of "Hear" for the poll about music... and then you find out you can't change it...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well Natasha asked me what I planned on doing here, so this is a full list of it....

*Deep breath*

First off, what is a "Stay at home Daughter?" For those that are wondering, we are a group of girls, sadly few and far between, usually aged 15- 30, that believe their calling in life is to be a stay at home wife and mother. Most of us believe that going to Colledge is not right for us, and chose to stay at home and learn from the best professors on our calling; God, first and foremost, And our Mothers and Grandmothers, (Not to mention other matronly women)

Now, on to this blog.

Why Did I start this? At the age of Nineteen (and earlier) I find myself lost in a sea of Doctors, lawyers, teachers, and other "Professional female students." I have nothing against that, but as someone who wants to do things the seemingly "Old fashioned" way and wait for God's calling, I'm highly scrutinized. Women are allowed to vote, hold property, be high ranking officials, whatever they want, but when they openly CHOOSE to be a mother, they are supposedly going against everything society has worked for.

Now here you are, you're young, smart, and have chosen the "Old fashioned" way. You believe that the Highest calling God gives ANY woman, is that of a mother. To raise your children to be like their "Father."

The problem is, now you're lost in that sea of Doctors and Lawyers, pushing you in the direction society wants you to go.

And here's the revelation, (or at least what I found as one), You are not alone! There are dozens of us, hundreds of us, lost, and trying to follow God's calling.

That is what this place is for. To commune and fellowship with others who share this calling. Others the same age, going through the same things, facing the same problems. And we're here for you. We understand, and we have advise to give!

Welcome! Come introduce yourself!

Now that we're here, what do we do?

Well here are my plans!

My first project is called "Stay at Home Sunday" every Sunday we get together and tell some of the things we have done toward a homemaking goal throughout the week. You can share a link to your blog, or a video, or simply chat about it. Did you try any interesting recipes? Clean a room from top to bottom? This is the place to share!

Unless you want to write a full article. Which is wholly welcome! Share that recipe or sewing project. Or an SaH "Revelation" you had recently. There is info on how to contribute in the side bar. Simply click to learn more!

Now, other things I want to see here, I'm planning some giveaways, and exchanges, for everything from Holidays to number of followers (So tell your friends! *wink wink* *Nudge nudge*)

I'd love to host old fashioned weeks (or weekends..), and modest fashion weeks, theme them or do something entirely different depending on the time of year.

For now I'm not sure what else really. There will be articles on everything from recipes, to modest dress, to cleaning tips, whatever. I'm hoping it will simply grow and blossom into something wonderful!

Now, here is the place for you to tell me your Ideas. I have barely started this! And any ideas you have will be FULLY appreciated! Just leave a comment!

Thank you so much for joining in!
Love and Huggs!


I’m in the market for writers!

As all or most of you have blogs, I know you can write to some extent!

You don’t have to become a permanent Co-author to contribute. (Though I’m open to that as well!) Remember that yummy recipe you made last week? What about that Titus two moment you had a few weeks ago with a Stay at home mom from your church. I’d LOVE for you to write about it. And if you’ll Email it to me, I’ll post it here with due credit!

My email is Stayathomedaughtersfellowship[@]gmail[.]com (remove brackets)

Write about anything "Comfortable and homey" that you want!

But please do! I can’t keep this going by myself.

I await your articles! I can already see some of the delightful posts you will send me!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stay at home Sunday

As my first project here at SaHD is called "Stay at Home Sunday"

This is where you will tell me what you did throughout the week

toward a homemaking goal. Did you clean a room? or do Laundry for your mother? Did you Sew something or make something? Keep some cutie kids?

Tell me all about it! (And there are two of you here,) You have 'Till next week. Go ahead and tell me something!

As for me, I cleaned the living room, and Tidied the bathroom. Hung out the Laundry and Cut out a new coat. I'm sure there was a lot more but I'm at my Grandparents and can't think of anymore...

Please! Comment here, and tell me all, or simply link to a post on your blog!

Next week, we may start putting a theme to these so be ready!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hello hello!

And welcome to the fellowship!

As you should know by now, this is a place for girls 15- 30 (mainly. ;D ) To come together, fellowship in Christ, and share tips and encouragement as we grow and learn to be helpmeets and mothers.

But like I've said elsewhere, if you are out of that age range, already married, but have been at one point a stay at home daughter, we'd love to hear from you!

Now secondly, this post is for you to introduce yourself! As a contributer I would love to know who you are, where you're from, how old you are, and what you would like to see this blog become!

So please leave a comment below and tell me all about yourself!

Me, I'm Meggie!

My Blog is Dreaming of Avonlea,

and I'm from east Tennessee.

I'm 19 years old, a particularly diffuclt age to tell people you don't want to go to colledge because you want to be a mom. (especially if you don't even have a boyfriend... :/ ) So I created this blog to get advise and tips from other Stay at home daughters. And I can't wait to hear from you!