Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Here is a lovely post on Wool skirts from Natasha. She also wanted me to let you know that she is working on a modest fashion show and that if you are interested to pop over to her blog and sign up! here you are! Enjoy!

Wool Skirts By: Natasha Atkerson
In my quest to dress more feminine, I've come across a new favorite: Wool Skirts!
While cotton skirts are appealing in the Summer time, they can become quite cold in the Winter! I live in Montana, so it can get pretty cold. Instead of abandoning skirts in the Winter, I've found wool skirts. Picking up Pendelton (a pretty expensive brand!) skirts at Goodwill last week was my best buy ever! They keep the chill out-and they look cute!

Where to find wool skirts:
Thrift shops
Vintage stores
Make one
Keep your eyes peeled!

How To Wear Them:
Pair wool skirts with dress boots, granny boots, ballet flats and maryjanes. I think the best length is shown above. any shorter would really defeat the purpose! If you are an hourglass shape (like me) the skirt would look best with a loose fitting top, tucked into the skirt with a wide belt at the waist. Stay away from skinny belts as they will add un wanted attention to your chest. And be sure to pick up a pair of cozy knee highs, or tights! If a day is extremely cold, wear furry boots, tights/leggings with one or two pairs of socks (depending on the tempature!)

Natasha is a 16 year old Christian, Homeschooled Pk! Her passion is for modesty and encouraging young ladies to dress in modest, feminine apparel. She enjoys many things and has been deemed "book worm" you can visit her at her blog: http://www.natashaatkerson.blogspot.com/ be sure to leave a comment and follow if you like what you see

1 comment:

Ms. Pajak said...

Wonderful! I just recently got into wool skirts and purchased my first one this past month. I've also had a new love for natural fibers for clothing! :-)
Would you happen to know how to best clean/wash wool fabrics? I bought Wool-Lite cleaner, but I haven't yet tried it.